Pre-departure Orientation!
Yesterday was my pre-departure orientation, and I think it went pretty well. There were three other girls there, all going to different places! Our adviser had us start off with a drawing activity; she had all of us draw, with our non-dominate hand, our exceptions and concerns for our upcoming experiences. I thought that it was an interesting activity because it gave us a challenge we had to overcome. And our adviser had our parents observe us as we drew. It was a nice way to start of the meeting. After we all discussed our expectations and concerns, we took a break to eat and mingle. Once that was all over, we did another activity. This time, our adviser gave us a sheet of scenarios that could happen during our trip. We discussed each scenario and afterwards were given a packet about health and safety while abroad. We went over bits and pieces of it; most of it was common knowledge. Next, she gave us a "Pre-departure Worksheet" to do when we get home. It just has some things that we should know while we're abroad: Languages spoken, typical foods, expected temperature(s) during our trip, neighboring countries, size, etc. Finally, she had us do one last activity before we left: write a letter to ourselves for when we feel down while abroad. She had us write the letter and seal it in an envelope, and she made sure to note that we should pack it in our carry-ons for the plane ride. The meeting didn't take as long as I had expected; It only lasted about two hours. But, now I'm even more excited for my studying abroad trip!How close are you to your tuition?
Oh goodness! We are about $1,047 away from having my entire tuition paid off! I'm so glad we're so close to our goal! And I would like to immensely thank everyone for their donations and support!!