Monday, January 21, 2013

Application Status: Submitted!

Application Status: Submitted!

My application for my study abroad program is finally submitted and on its way to being accepted! I probably won't know for a while, but that feeling of accomplishment is just too overwhelming. I feel like a wave of anxiety has just flown out of me, and it feels so wonderful. The priority application deadline was January 31st, 2013, and I felt like I was in a rush to get it submitted on time. And the $900 deposit was crazy. But now I can relax a little bit. Of course, there are still a few things I need to complete (Get my passport, raise enough money to cover the rest of my tuition, etc.) but that's not a problem.

Does the deposit count towards your tuition?

Yes! (Thank goodness, right?) The $900 deposit absolutely counts towards my tuition! Now I only have $11,600 to go! It's a lot, I know, but I'm positive I'll get it by the due date!

When is the due date for your tuition?

The final date that my tuition has to be paid in full is May 2nd, 2013! It feels like such a long time away, but I'm sure time will evaporate quickly. I just need to work my tailbone off to reach my goal! But, I know I can do it with the help of my supporters. 

Thank you all so much for your support!

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